Sunday, December 20, 2009


Love, what is it really? Throughout my life I've seen many teenage girls say they are in love with their boyfriend. Seriously speaking I think its a load of crap. Why is it easy for a girl to say I love you to her boyfriend but not easy for her to say it to her mom. How can a girl spend so much time worrying or thinking or being with a guy who she knows its not going to last for ever with. I've been in relationships and yes I've said it to a couple of people. But when I look back on it, did i really mean it? I probably did care for them, but love is in another world. Truth be told I think love ruins everything. Love breaks hearts, love kills people, and love makes people insane. I think a better word for love is obsession, girls get pregnant to trap a guy, obsession. It has to deal with love. I know many people may disagree with me, and say love and obsession are two different things. Is it really? Do you really think that, spending time with a guy 24-7 is not obsession, or thinking he would never hurt you, well that's just stupid. Us teenage girls shouldn't stop our lives for a guy, and think we're in love. Wait to use it, because I bet you don't know what it means, and neither does he. If I ask 20 people what is love, I would get 20 different answers. Because no one know what true love really means. Till next time..

1 comment:

  1. u seem to hv undrstood few thngs lil too early....
    Cheers to LIFE!!!
